Brain Flotsam

May 10, 2011 15:14

*Nearly murdered my cat this morning. Went to bed reeeeeally late (Chocobo breeding & linkdrops are time-consuming, okay?) and Captain decided that this was also the perfect time to wander around, yowling, and pouncing on his sister. This wouldn't have been quite so awful, except we also had a stranded k1ttycat that we didn't want him to wake up at five o'clock in the morning because he felt like being a pain in the ass.

This afternoon found him curled up and sleeping peacefully on the foot of our bed. So I might have sat down next to him and made loud, annoying noises to bother him for awhile. Yeah, I'm petty. Also, overtired.

*My legs hurt. Lots of fun dancing at the wedding, and then a walk home from the mechanic's yesteday. I hate stairs.

*Third load of dishes in the dishwasher. Still feel really excited about that.

*I mostly want to nap and keep trying to breed a green female Chocobo in FFVII. Which I'm replaying for the nth time. Maybe I'll actually finish this replay. No promises yet, I'm only on Disc 2. shogunhb thinks I'm playing it wrong.

*The Emerald WEAPON stomped on me. I hardly think that's sporting.

*Hopefully having game tonight. But we'll be breaking early because people are still dying of the death. Still, short game > no game. We're almost done!

*[This space for rent]

*Saw Thor. Loki is my hero, until he takes the mandatory stupid pill for plot purposes. Thinking about apping Thor for next semester--only because I want his personal journey to consist of more than two breakfasts and a bar. Also, maybe a shot at a real romance, one with something akin to connection, chemistry, and a personality. Just saying.

my body hates me, fandom high, xomg kitten, gaming, geekery, video games

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