Stuff and Things

Apr 21, 2011 19:28

First of all, I'm feeling much better from yesterday. I greatly appreciated all the words of support and understanding from you guys. Seriously, thank you.

This is another ranty post (though slightly less ranty), partially because one of the ways I cope with feeling like that is to focus on one thing that's frustrating me. I feel much less floaty and overwhelmed when there's one thing I can point to and say, "ARGH! YOU ARE A SOURCE OF AGGRAVATION TO ME, DAMMIT!"

The thing that's aggravating me today is Sony's Playstation Network that's currently down for unknown and unspecified reasons. Normally, I wouldn't care, as I barely ever play my PS3 games online, but yesterday, shogunhb got our old PS3 from the repair shop where it's been languishing since October, so we could finally get out copyrighted games off the system. We paid $50 to get a Playstation Plus account which would give us access to the Cloud, where we can save our games--including the copyrighted ones--and then download them onto a different system.

After 24 hours have passed, but whatever.

Anyway, the problem comes in when we discovered that we can't save more than one version of a game to the Cloud. Thus, after shogunhb saved his Dragon Age and Rock Band 2 saves to the Cloud and he went to go save mine--they wouldn't. So, for me to be able to access my saves, I need to get my own account--for another $50 a year. (Yes, you can buy it in several month increments, but if I want to be able to save my games to the Cloud at diverse points in the year to make sure I am never stuck without a game a again, it's $50 a year.) We agree that it's worth at least a little outlay of cash to get me my own Cloud account just so I can get my games back and try to sign me up last night.

Except we can't. Because PSN is down. So instead of getting to play my games at 11pm tonight after they've been on the Cloud for 24 hours, I have to wait until the network comes back up in order to even sign up for the account.


Umm...yeah, okay. That's my rant for the day. I know. My life, so hard. But hating on PSN is much easier than stressing about everything else.

the internet is for [x], rant-tastic, stupid computer tricks, geekery, video games, on my high horse

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