Move Along. Whining Here.

Apr 20, 2011 16:34

I'm having a pretty lousy day. Mostly I just feel like crap. Last night, I stayed up all night and was working on my thesis and then sort of had a breakdown in the middle of it, trying to figure out why I should even bother to finish the stupid thing because no one is going to want to hire someone who needs to take a day off every 5 weeks so she can sit in a hospital with a needle in her arm, not to mention whatever time off I'll need for my inevitable illnesses and whatnot.

I currently feel somewhere in between a an utter failure and a...nope, that's it. Just an utter failure.

After going to bed at 7am (I stay up on Remicaide nights because the meds make me sleep all day and this is the fastest way to get back to a normal schedule, oddly enough), I woke up at 11 with a nosebleed that lasted like 10 minutes, and between that, a funeral procession, and hitting every light on the route, I got to my appt late. That wasn't a big deal as they'd just gotten a free chair, but I don't like it.

Then leaving the hospital, I had that woozy, bleary, kind of light-headed feeling I had back when I was staying in the hospital the second time, right before I got the blood transfusion. I'm not sure why I feel this way, because I've eaten and everything, but it's not really helping the "I feel like crap."

Mostly, I'm just overtired and that's making me feel depressed and overwhelmed. I'm pretty sure after I sleep like the dead for a few more hours, I'll remember that my life isn't all that hard and I'll stop feeling sorry for myself.

Disabling comments on this post because it's basically me tearing out my hair and beating my breast for no good reason. Sorry.

my body hates me, something less stupid plz, disappointed, medical malpractice & insurance fraud, welcome to my lj, self-indulgent wankery, ramblings

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