More fun for everyone

Nov 02, 2004 00:07

Okay, first up, information regarding my grandfather's everything. The ceremonies will be held at 9 am Friday morning at Bailey's Funeral home in Plainville. Let me know if you need directions. I'm also starting a headcount to see if anyone wants a ride/place to crash so they don't have to leave at oh-god-thirty in the morning to make it. It will be a combined wake/funeral (like my gramma's in January if you went). I will be delivering a eulogy, which I'll prolly be posting in my LJ shortly to recieve feedback.

On the plus side, with everything happening in Plainville, I won't get confused as to where the funeral is and end up in a completely wrong time flipping out in the parking lot about having missed it. Gotta look at the bright side, folks. On the minus side, you all get to miss me flipping out in a funeral home parking lot, which I'm sure was a lot of fun for everyone involved.

To make matters worse, my family is already squabbling within itself. It all centers around my inheritance. Phrasing it like that makes me sound cool, considering that "inheritance" consists of an antique doll that belonged to my Grandma Viv. Anywho, while going through my grandpa's "effects" one of my aunts discovered the doll was missing. It's location was revealed by another family member who revealed she had taken it several months ago to "keep it safe." She maintains that Grandpa asked her to do it, because he was worried that if it cam to me while I was still living under my mother's roof, it would get pawned as it is an antique. My first aunt doesn't believe Grandpa said any such thing, and either way This got back to my mom, who was understandably crushed. Let me be straight up here folks, My mother has never and will never pawn something that belings to my brother or myself or that is integral to the household. I cannot stress this enough. Don't get me wrong, my mother has plenty of shortcomings, but she has enough decency and integrity for that.

The worst part of it all is? I don't even care that much about the doll. I mean, I want it cause it was my gramma's and because Grandpa wanted me to have it, but other than that? Who cares? It's a fucking doll for Chrissake's. Let's focus on what's important here, and that is: we're family in a time of crisis and we need to come together and BE a family. Forget all the petty squabbles and bickering here. Sweet bleeding Christ! It's shit like this that makes me want to become a hermit forever. Anyway, let's move on.

I'm not quite sure where the burial will be, other than in a cemetary in Southington. The spot next to my real Grandma here in Plainville was taken up by my Uncle Craig when he died last summer. Grandpa's gonna be buried next to his dad though, so I guess it'll be okay. I just don't want him to be lobely, which is pretty stupid no matter which afterlife myth you believe. I mean, if there's a soul, it prolly won't be hanging around a graveyard for all eternity, but still--I don't wanna think about my Grandpa buried next to a whole crew of strangers.

Okay, enough stupidly morbid (or morbidly stupid) thoughts. My "Drink For America" party is still on for tomorrow, starting approximately at 10 pm, giving Toph and I enough time to head home and vote. It's bring your own booze (and a little extra to share) cause we're all poor. If someone wants to bring some Midori, we have enough mixxer to make a bunch of midori sours. If you're under age OF COURSE YOU WON'T BE DRINKING (ahem) and you want to give me money with a request for (ahem) NON-ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES see me before 6 so I can pick them up for you. Or you can just bring mixxers/snacks for the party. It'll go on until the elections are over/we all pass out/whenever--and we'll have fun party games like:who can find the quickest route to Canada, who can come up with the most amusing application for dual-citizenship, etc etc. Fun drinking games that include taking a shot whenever Bush wins a state, someone changes religion, and when someone bursts into hysterical sobbing. Fun is, no? And, should the worst occur, we'll have an automatic friendship circle/support group/suicide club right there! Glory be!

Please, please, please get out and vote tomorrow. It's s'posed to be the closest election in history, and I really, really don't want to go back to the age of back alley abortions, nor forward into the age of the all-inclusive draft or the no-rights-for-non-Xians. That would make me terribly sad, and I've suffered enough already this week, dontcha think?

And, even if you're a Bush fan, I still want you to go out and vote (unless you're in a swing state. Then, never mind). No seriously, this is one set fo convictions I actually hold to. I'm certainly not one to go around chanting "Yay America" but dammit we fought to earn these frickin' rights, and we damn well outght to use them! Especially with that prick-bastard ashcroft trying to take 'em away. and if the right to vote if so fuckin' important we're sending our boys (and girls!) to foreign countries to fight and die to give this right to others (please note I am NOT endorsing any of our current wars) I think we owe it to them to exercise this right ourselves. No I am not pro-war, but I am pro-military--at least as far as it extends to innocent kids who join because they're poor as fuck and have no other alternatives. And to tose who truly believe in Dolce et decorum est. Poor deluded fools...

With, of course, the exception of those jerks who hurt Caitlin's and Mike's feelings at the Open House. Those guys are stupid.

All right, that sermon over, I must say, my life is an interesting mix of ups and downs. The downs are obviously the slew of grandparent deaths in the last week (current total 3: mine, K*star's, and Sebastian's) along with everything else I've been bitching about all semester. But there are certainly upsides, too. For one thing, my relationship with shogunhb is getting stronger and deeper everyday. He truly makes me happy, happier than I've been for a while, and that's with all the different ways my life's been exploding lately. I can't wait for Thankgiving break where I get to spend an entire week there with him--and Justin, Orson, and Toti too, of course.

Then there are my friends, both online and off. Seriously, you guys, the sheer amount of emotional outpouring and support has brought me to tears more than once. Even just a reminder that I'm not alone helps. I know that this semester I've pretty much sucked as a friend (I changed my major to Hermit, I think) but that you guys forgive me and are still willing to be there for me in my times of need speaks volumes about your characters and my luck in picking friends. I love you guys.

Okay now, before we all gag on the excess of sentimentality (I've got tears in my eyes again, how dumb am I?) I'm gonna head off to bed. Again, thanks to everyone who's expressed condolences, given me hugs be they cyber or real, or even just spared me a thought.

And a special thanks to Quish, who gave me the chance to see my Grandpa one last time. I owe you a debt I can never repay.

Sometime soon I'll get around to talking about the rest of Halloween weekend.

doomnation, friends, political, self-indulgent wankery, death is not the end, party, saddities, on my high horse, family, herding cats

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