I am incredibly appalled

Sep 05, 2008 11:38

It's bad enough hearing them invoke 9-11 during rallies and speeches but this video goes beyond anything. To use these deaths to scare votes outta people is as unsurprising as it is despicable.

I also like how they talk about how this "enemy had been at war with us for decades," but neglect to mention just who it was that armed them and funded them. They forget about the pictures of Republican leaders shaking bin Laden's hands, they forget putting the Taliban in power.

If they're going to invoke 9-11, maybe they should remember just how much that they are to blame as well. If you make the monster, you can't be surprised when it turns around and bites you.

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i will destroy humanity, rant-tastic, doomnation, youtubed, on my high horse, political

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