
Mar 04, 2007 22:07

Back from Intercon, definitely the best one I've attended. I ran on little sleep and less food, and therefore I'll probably be incommunicado for the next day or so while I try to catch up on sleep and put my house back in order.

Concom and consuite were wonderful, everyone made a special point of wishing me a happy birthday (they wrote it om my folder!!! *squeal*) and I every game I was in cast me beautifully. I so can't wait for next year.

Special thanks to Toph who drove to Chelmsford to celebrate my bday and helped me costume for Dance and the Dawn. My costume ruled, and so do you. Also special thanks to my dear ladyscience for loaning me her Victorian costume. I got so many compliments on it, and it was beautiful. Thanks sweetie. And Shaughn was always there to lace me into my corset whenever it was needed (basically every other game.)

It was funny. I didn't have a bustle on...and few people noticed. My ass is HUGE!

Now, bed time for me.

Oh yeah, decrees for March 3rd (retroactive) and today:

2/3: Do somthing fun and imaginitive
2/4: get a good night's sleep.

I'm off to take my own advice.

firetruck! firetruck! firetruck!, intercon, cons, larping, nuance appreciation month

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