Apr 13, 2034 21:11
Well it seems like i am crawling slowly toward the light at the end of 2 weeks of hell. I haven't called anyone. I know dyana called, i tried getting ahold of sherri, but it seems she isn't answering her phone, or caught in her own hell, i have instead spent the last few weeks desperately grinding out a 93 page cost report turned in 30 minutes before the deadline, and a design report turned in 5 minutes before i took katy to the hospital for her surgery.
I have barely talked to silvan. sigh. Katy did well during her surgery, she is home now, and her cecostemy site is GORGEOUS. he really seemed to have fixed it up nicely. Nick is doing well in baseball, though he coach is... arrogant, innefective, yet has this something that makes people want him to like them. He's an enigma wrapped in an idiot.
rakkassah feels like its a thousand years away. but i am really glad i went, now tomorrow i need to clean the house, take nick to another baseball practice, and do more homework. oy.
i want to write so much more. about how defending people bit me in the ass, about the woman that was next to us having a gaping hole in her head where her eye was, and somehow katy never noticed her. How nick wandered around his game today with his rocketship undies showing through his white baseball pants and not a single kid even noticed. Its as if God decided to cut us some slack on the emotional trauma. I have someone i need to speak with about hard things, but I feel as if someone has just sucked all the life out of me. Too much stress, trying to do too much. 5 classes, kids, baseball, and housework and ballancing family just is makin me lose it. that and jumping through the endless hoops for livermore lab.
so. if anyone has any other issues that need to be addressed... or you just want to yell at me. call me. i will listen. even if i don't want to. I feel life sliding out of control and i'm just trying not to let things burn me up. If you need to vent about nothing, or everything, call me. i feel like a bubble girl. trapped in my own head.