School, Internet and Life

Nov 12, 2013 20:46

So this past couple of weeks have been an interesting journey. Obviously not as much as being in Budapest, Hungary for over 9 months but I think it counts as a big leap.

Might be wondering what it is now? Well I passed all of my midterms of my four classes so that's something wonderfully awesome. Now I have four finals left before I can get the last grade. But in the mean time, I just completed a power point presentation for my Police and Society class where I had to interview a law enforcement officer, then present the power point to someone and finally get their critique and grade out of 50. Wasn't too bad so now I'm interested in the grade I'll get from that.
So now for my American Courts class I have a really big paper to write about the three different court observations I did. We have to find two journal articles for each court case (meaning six in total) and then write a 12 page paper on it. Four pages, single spaced for each court observation. So I'm about half way through the whole writing process. It was going to be due today (thank god it's not) but the Professor moved it to December 3rd. The Tuesday after Thanksgiving. So I'm hoping to get it done before then because in my Sociology Theory class, we have a paper due December 5th and I want to work on that paper during Thanksgiving. Or at least not have to worry about the very large American Courts paper. Annnnd finally, in my Chicano Community class, we have a Praxis report/power point presentation that's due Thursday, December 5th as well. So that's about half way done just have to slowly get everything together, then on the Tuesday before it's due, get together with the other two group members and practice the presentation. Yippie...

So that's pretty much how school has been going this semester. Not too bad so that's always a good thing, no? So what else besides school work do I do? Well I'm a part of three different clubs on campus and also help out the Global Education office. Dudes and Dudettes, they helped me study abroad, of course I'm going to help them out and get other students to go. So the other three clubs I'm a part of are, Sociology Club (went to conference in Berkeley-will talk about that in a bit), International Student Association (started by a guy who went to Korea same time I was in Hungary) annnnnnd DEI, University's academic honor society ;D

So for Sociology Club, I was the Treasurer last Spring (2012) before leaving for a whole academic year so I knew a couple people who are officers this semester. But anyways, I decided to become a part again and this semester they are getting new shirts so I'm definitely excited about that one! But anyways, every semester there is either the California Sociological Association (CSA) or Pacific Sociological Association (PSA). CSA is in the fall and PSA is in the spring. So this semester, some of the Soc Club members went to CSA because it was close: Berkeley. And I was one of the drivers which is not as bad as I thought it was going to be. haha! Anyways, it was a very enlightening experience and I got to know the members of the club a little better...kinda hard not to when you're crammed into a hotel for a night. haha!

Anyways, enough about school. Let's see. What else has been happening. OH! I'm working part time. That's been nice. Been broadening my Administrative Assistant skills so that's always good while racking in money that got depleted after being gone for a whole year. Yaaaaah....

So yesterday, when I was supposed to be working on homework (actually I really was this time), I scrolled across some interesting stuff in my FB newsfeed about authors supposedly buying reviews. Ummm...seriously? Is that like cracky car salesmen? Because seriously. WE. ARE. NOT. IN. HIGH SCHOOL. You are a fucking ADULT SO PLEASE ACT LIKE ONE. Oh's called Drama. And we don't live in an Utopian society. Well Fuck. That sucks. Really.
My life would be easier in dealing with these authors who want to resort to petty jealously because they think the reviews are bought. Please.
But in any case, what did I do about it? Nothing. I just "left" the conversation and shut down FB so I didn't have to see all of the notifications of more and more people bitchin'. Yes, ok, you're in support of the author that was being targeted but COME ON. It's life. Really. And I know I am friends who authors who despise one another because of something that happened in the past but please, stop putting me in the middle ground because I have a life as well. That is completely separate from you. Especially with this being my last semester and trying to figure out what I want to do when I graduate. So, like I told another author friend, it's like all of these authors are in separate boxes because they cannot play nice with one another. It's like separating dogs in kennels. They will bark and bark through in the cages but the one moment you put them together, it's dangerous to get in between because you're not sure if your hand will be bitten off...or what other body part might be in the way. And it's the internet. I just there was so way for me to force all of these authors to be together in person so they can just yell, scream and get it all out of their system and then have the support system at the end to help them recover. Because I'm sick and tired of it.
In any case, I'm glad some days I do not know which authors hate who otherwise I would need a spreadsheet of who liked who, who hated who and who didn't give a rats ass and just wanted to get people to review their books and spread the word. GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH.
Another reason why i despise politics, debates and any sort of confrontation. I hate arguing and try to avoid it at all costs (unless it's connected to school then I feel more comfortable).

I still can't believe. Seriously. And kinda seems like forever since I graduated from high school. hah! But I've been working on an application for the AmeriCorps and I would start next Fall. So *fingers crossed* and I do hope I will be accepted because that would be such an amazing experience. Also, first of the family to do any sort of community involvement so in depth. Awesome possums!

And that's about the extent of things. OH WAIT! One more thing. I'm going home for Thanksgiving. I'm so excited about that! Woohoo! :DD
Now that is all. I'm going to head to bed and read some before sleepy time.

authors, school, blog update, internet, reviews, graduating

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