University time!

Oct 02, 2013 21:41

So once again I've had fun...well kind of. haha I've finished my CrJ Police and Society four days earlier then usual! I usually get the assignments done Sunday (due Monday) but today is Wednesday and I got it all done and not only that, I submitted it too!!!!!!!!
haha Yeah I am pretty excited about that.
Though I have to say that my hardest assignment for Sociology yet was this Sociological Theory paper I had to write. We had to find a news article and then had to relate two theorists ideas (compare/contrast) to it. Well religion and same-sex marriage were my main focus points and damn it, first time started writing the damn thing and I got so fucking frustrated about the whole subject matter I started to cry :((( wasn't the paper being difficult but just how unfair people have been towards others in same-sex marriage! ARG! Just made me so damn angry that I had to rant for a little bit before I could continue my writing process. But I finished it today at 6 pages (5-7pages was requirement) and I submitted it. A whole day early too! Now I get to focus mainly on my CrJ classes. One of them I have to interview a law enforcement officer and the other I have to do three court visitations. So now I'm trying to figure out when to go so I can get that done before November (due the 12th).
OH! I can't remember if I mentioned in my last journal but I have a part-time job with the company I worked for back home! Woohoo! So I started a week ago from last Friday so this would be my second week because I'm only working Monday and Friday 8-12pm. So now I gets monies and takes my mind off school (sorta).

This weekend I'll probably work on my graduation announcements and continue researching about AmeriCorps (once the government shut-down goes away. haha) because I want to go into the AmeriCorps. Was thinking about PeaceCorps first but maybe once I get some more experience under my belt I will.

Anyways, time for bed so I shall go play with my phone...actually I need to charge it. 

americorps, school, life, university, update

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