Here's a Late Happy New Years!

Jan 05, 2007 19:12

Well it’s a new year everyone, and boy so far has this one sucked.

On New Years Eve someone was kind enough to smash a rock through the passenger window of my car. Thankfully, I had only been gone 30 min. I must have scared whoever did it off, because there was nothing missing. I just can’t believe someone broke into a car, in a well populated area, 10 feet from my bedroom window, at 4 o’clock in the afternoon! There wasn’t even anything worth stealing visible in the car… however there were a couple of my pricey Christmas gifts in the truck. Well thank God nothing was taken. I had to secure my car in Creighton’s Father’s garage, Cre then drove me 40 miles to my work, I was only 30min late btw, I’m that good. So when the clock struck 12 Cre was driving me home from work and the only holiday thoughts I was having had to do with the fact I’d have to wait two days for any car repair place to open.

New Years I woke up at 6am feeling a little funny…10 minutes later the stomach flu hit me. I haven’t been that scared for a long time. Particularly between 7am and 4:30pm while Cre was stranded at work (he had carpooled and couldn’t come home early.) I’ll spare you the gory details, but the next day when I stepped on the scale (Creighton and I have been tracking our weight) it showed I was 10 pounds lighter then the day before. Even now I’m still weak, and get dizzy spells. All the food I’m eating is white and tasteless; I mean yesterday, I got heartburn from a watered down glass of Gatorade, gesh.

Wednesday, I drove down south to visit my parents and get a few days rest. While switching drivers my car started to roll toward an ominous pile of rocks… the reason why the car was not in PARK is still under debate… but it seems while throwing my self into my vehicle to stop it I managed to significantly bruise my right knee. It only hurts when I sit down, sit up, climb stairs, or drive.

Well, today I’m back at work, doing nothing. My Mom, to whom I am forever grateful, got my window fixed. She even put some new tires on the ol’ girl. Creighton took me to get my Disneyland pass renewed, and even though I wasn’t well enough to stay very long, we did go on the carousel.

Well… in the end I am truly grateful for everything working out, but boy am I tired. Next year I think I’ll do something a little more relaxing for New Years… like jump out a plane or something…
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