A visitor

Jan 28, 2007 23:13

Title The Visitor
Author Destardi
Rating g
Pairing All 
Summary: Buck gets a visit from someone when Ike dies
Disclaimer: The only one I own is Lady Death  all others belong to some rather creative people in Hollywood.

Sitting next to the bed where Ike lay dying Buck clung to his friend's hand. If he held on a little tighter, a little longer perhaps he wouldn't die. Perhaps he would be saved. Maybe, just maybe Buck wouldn't have to be alone.

Hearing the weezing, rattle of Ike's weakening breathing Buck tightened his grip. Inwardly he railed at the world, at everyone and everything for stealing away his friend. He would make sure that the gambler who had stole Ike from him perished, and he would make sure Emily Metcalf knew he hated her.

The softest of touches on his shoulder had him glancing up to see a tall, beautiful woman with long dark hair and green eyes. Blinking at her he tensed, ready to strike out lest she want to move him from his vigil.

"You can't help him," she whispered softly.

"What do you know?"

A soft, almost warm smile graced her face. "Its his time Buck. He gets no more than he's had."

"No. I refuse to allow the spirits to claim him."

"Ike must come with me Buck. You know this. You of all people should know what it means to have so little peace. His heart wants to stay but his soul is tired. Let him go."

Buck shook his head, "No. I can't. I won't."

Sinking to her knees the woman smiled softly, lovingly. "I will take care of him Buck. I will make sure he is safe. His job is done now. Your time will come. For now you must go on. Must learn to live again, look past the pain. Trust me. You and he will meet again. His spirit will be with you in your heart Buck."

"I don't want to be alone. I love him."

"I know. He loves you but he needs to rest. After all Angels only get their wings when they reach heaven. It's his turn Buck. Let him have some peace."

Sitting there Buck shivered and glanced around to find the woman gone. Swallowing the rising panic he turned to his friend and closed his eyes. He felt his heart shatter as he listened to the final weezing breat of his best friend and brother and knew...The visitor had taken him.

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