Turn Around

Jan 25, 2007 16:12

Turn Around
Summary:  Lou and Kid are struggling to survive a battle of broken hearts. Looking for alittle hope Lou watches to see if Kid will turn around and look back.

Sitting on the hard step of the bunkhouse Lou watched Kid saddling Katy with cold precision. There had been a distance between them, a rift that had only widened of late. Especially since Samantha had left town.

She could still recall the fights they’d had. The comments she’d made about how he was only dating Samantha to humiliate her. She’d been hurting and had struck out at him to make him as miserable as she was. And it had worked with uncanny accuracy.

Granted her temper got the better of her at times but still Kid didn’t need to take everything she’d said as gospel. He’d taken to avoiding her completely, even going so far as to sit on the other side of the table next to Ike rather than next to her.

The one run they’d shared had been filled with uncomfortable silences, dark looks, and cold, bitter, indifference. She’d never felt so miserable in her entire life. Now after another terse, bitter exchange over some menial task Kid was once more getting ready to go for a run.

“Staring at him ain’t gonna fix things,” Jimmy stated settling next to her.

“I know,” Lou sighed her gaze never leaving the tall figure standing next to the brightly colored paint. “I just don’t know how to fix it. I love him Jimmy…I just don’t know if it’s enough.”

Jimmy nodded pensively, “Hard to say Lou. Never believe in love before, never really knew what it was…”

“But everyone’s always saying how it can set you free. How Love can fix anything. It’s supposed to be this great thing. All its ever done for me is leave me alone and bleeding.”

“Maybe that’s the problem Lou. Maybe you’re not ready to accept the unknown. Perhaps you just need time. Love is a good thing, I mean look at Emma and Sam.”

“Time? No time isn’t what I need. I need Kid. I need to figure out how to fix it so we’re back together.”

Hearing the distinct sound of a hoof beats they watched as Cody raced toward them. Glancing at the dancing paint and stoned faced rider waiting impatiently Lou shivered. Kid took the mochilla easily, familiarly and galloped out of the yard.

“Turn around Kid,” Lou muttered her eyes glued to the rapidly fading view of the rider. “Please, please turn around. Just look back once.”

“I don’t think he can hear you Lou,” Jimmy said as Cody dismounted next to them.

Lou stared hard as the Kid disappeared out of view without once pausing to even glance over his shoulder. Watching until even the dust had settled she clutched her legs tightly hoping to hide the tremble in her hands, the pain in her heart.

“Hey it’ll be okay,” Jimmy hugged her, “You’ll see.”

Lou shook her head slowly, “Not this time. It’s never gonna be okay again.”

“Why not?” Cody asked.

Rising Lou stifled a sob and turned to dart inside, mumbling a response.

Glancing at each other Cody frowned, “What did she say?”

“He didn’t turn around,” Jimmy replied softly. Staring out over the trail Jimmy wished desperately that he could fix this that he could heal their hearts for them even as he knew he couldn’t. It was up to Kid and Lou to WANT to ix it. And he wasn’t sure that they were ready for that fight.
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