It's interesting

Apr 19, 2013 06:31

Will give you different results even though technically it's still in the same place. Earlier in the week my son spun the scale around in my bathroom so that it was facing the other direction. So I went ahead and stepped on it this morning and liked the number I saw. Then I decided I should be consistent and turned it back around the direction it should be facing (keeping in mind that it is still taking up the same square of space on my bathroom floor). So I stepped on it again and weighed .8 lbs more than I did facing the other direction! But whatever, it's still 2 lbs down from what I was last week so I'll take it.

I've been going to the gym for the past two weeks, ever since my kids got sick and kept us all out of it, and have been working out with my new workout buddy/coworker. We're both doing that same strength training program on our lifting days and then hop on the treadmill for cardio days. We've been able to workout together more often than not but occasionally our shifts at work won't mesh and we'll wind up having to do a solo act at the gym and that's alright to.

And somewhat related, I just finished breakfast and I still feel freaking hungry!!! I'm also sick and tired of waking up before 6 every morning so I can get my daughter ready for school. Is it summer yet?

weight loss

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