::opens mouth::
::closes mouth::
::opens mouth::
So, um, yeah.
::HP fandom
explodes:: By Chapter 10, there are shocking new developments. It's like watching a train wreck. It's like daytime telly. I was just acquainting myself with Harry Potter fandom around this time, and I did notice things like GT closing, all the talk of BNFs, and people starting some bonifide LJ drama, but aye, here's the rub.
Also interesting is the newest
post at
lj_design about how the new 'profile' page will be altered, taking people's comments into account. Thank goodness they realized the two-column business wasn't going to fly. Crash and burn. I'm still not too pleased with the fact that they feel it needs changing at all (and I'll turn it off as soon as look at it, if given the option), but if I'm forced to look at others' new profile pages, at least it'll be awful rather than god-awful. ;-)
I am a puddle on the floor. See me? Puddle. Floor. I don't think I've been strung around so much while reading any one fic. I'm speaking of
astolat's Clark/Lex futurefic,
Reconcilable Differences. Stupid me didn't look at the word count and thought I would be spending maybe a half-hour or so reading (because my brain hasn't been able to sustain reading long fic lately), but instead I spent an entire evening with that story. It took me nearly out of my chair with laughter, broke my heart, squicked me and made me fall in love. It's a wonderful blend of Smallville and the DC comicverse. Kon and Tim are so awesome, and all of the scenes with the Teen Titans were hilarious. It's just wow. Read it if you haven't already. The most awesome thing about this fic?...
Kon and Tim, under false pretenses, pitting Bruce Wayne against Lex Luthor in Warcraft. Guildwars, baby! PURE GENIUS.