Golly, all that arguing and tension on Numb3rs last night wore me out. Went to bed at 11pm, but unfortunately that meant I woke up at 7am this morning. Megan was very grr as were Charlie and Don. Cannot wait for next week and Lou Diamond Phillips!
Forgot to mention in my last post some of the fun times on TV this week. Thursday's Without a Trace and CSI: were engrossing. I really liked seeing WaT from a parent's point of view. Laurie Metcalf and Matt Craven were awesome. I've been a fan of Matt Craven for awhile now, who was in my favorite episode of the miniseries From the Earth to the Moon, "Spider," which followed the engineers as they developed the LEM. It was great to see him again. Oh, and all I have to say about CSI is: it's all about Hodges in the field! ::clears throat:: Right...but gah, I missed the behind the scenes thingy on the Early Show the next day, though it might have been pre-empted by news on the brush fires in Ventura.
Actually caught my first episode of CSI: Miami this past week. I honestly had no clue when that show came on, but seeing as I'm just a little bit (okay, a lot) obsessed with
helena_eternal's CSI crossover fic,
Out With It [Ryan/Greg, Nick/Eric], I figured I ought to actually watch some of the show. It wasn't bad, but I couldn't help but become a big annoyed at Caruso's constantly tilting head.
Anywho, jumping all around here, I also never mentioned how my Halloween went! Well, better late than never, I suppose. My brother was an Egyptian and went to a mega party and to the parade in West Hollywood. WeHo's festivities, I hear, are always an interesting mix of families, drag queens and everything in between. My bro said he and his cronies were fooled a few times, in fact, and the work these men put into their costumes is incredible. At the mega party, there were a lot of Corpse Brides, apparently. And in WeHo, one fellow was dressed up as the classic WWF wrestler, Hacksaw Jim Duggan, which I found to be absolutely hilarious (I was a big WWF fan as a kid; good times, good times). Not being a party sort of person myself, I dressed up for work. Raiding my closet, I came up with a gypsy costume. One co-worker was a witch of a sort and another (our former post-doc, who is over 6 feet tall and in his mid-30s) was Winnie the Pooh, complete with Hunny pot. Apparently, he dresses up as Pooh every year and just washes his costume which feels rather like a soft rug by now. This is the same fellow who extends International Talk Like a Pirate Day to Talk Like a Pirate On-and-Off for Half the Year, so I suppose I shouldn't have been surprised. He thought I was supposed to be a pirate wench, but ah well.
Okay, back to TV. House! It wouldn't be an episode of House if there wasn't some sort of illegal activity, and oh House, you bad boy. I do wish Stacy would go away and soon. House eating Stacy's husband's pie? Priceless. Almost as good as House and his free steak a few weeks ago. It always comes down to food for me.
Rome season finale tomorrow night. Should be juicy.
spice21's recent Vorenus/Pullo fic,
Ad Lib, is such a must read, by the way.
Missed the cast of RENT on the Today Show this past week. Boo. Downloaded the performance online. Huzzah!
GoF tomorrow!