(no subject)

Feb 23, 2019 19:14

I forgot to mention in my last post that not 30 minutes after I got back home from Las Vegas, the power went out for over 4 hours! So that was a fun thing to return to as the sun went down. Luckily for all that our trip back was treacherous, at least it wasn't snowing that our elevation. We missed it by a week in Vegas, and while it did continue to rain a lot where I live, we didn't get any snow like in Santa Clarita or Malibu.

Went to the Kings-Bruins game last Saturday. I have a few posts with pics on my IG. We lost, but that wasn't a surprise this season, and I always have fun at games regardless. No one criticizes the Kings like their own fans (just go to the comments at LA Kings Insider), so it's always hilarious hearing what the fans around me have to say.

Random Observations:

Does anyone else think Hugh Jackman and Luke Evans should play brothers in a musical? I only thought of it when Luke was posting pics of Hugh's performance at the Brit Awards.

I am currently watching the Flyers-Penguins Stadium Series game, and the orange of the Flyers' uniforms is reading really dark on my screen. I don't like it as much as their usual orange.

I thought Aubrey Plaza did well hosting the Independent Spirit Awards.

My auntie actually scored an invite to one of the Oscar parties! She has to scramble for something to wear, though. She has party clothes, but not that level of party clothes.

This entry was originally posted at https://shadowhuntress.dreamwidth.org/348359.html. Comment wherever you prefer.
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