(no subject)

Nov 04, 2010 15:15

Undercovers has been cancelled. ::sadface:: But Steven & Sam are so cuuuuuute!

Short trailer for the Syfy version of Being Human. It's got Mark Pellegrino, so I have to give it a shot, but it will be very difficult to keep from constantly comparing it to the wonderful original series.

USA Network picks up three pilots. I had the same response as the first commenter--the premise for Eden reminded me immediately of Hotel Babylon.

Craig Bierko joins Callie Thorne (White Collar, Burn Notice, Rescue Me), Marc Blucas (he's always going to be Riley Finn to me), and Mehcad Brooks (True Blood) in the pilot for Necessary Roughness, also for USA Network.

This week's Terriers gets a Cheer from TV Guide.

Spoilery tidbits about Vampire Diaries, Nikita, Burn Notice & Castle (with cool guest-starring news!).

Compilation of Don Draper saying, "What?" through four seasons of Mad Men. I started laughing then couldn't stop.

And similarly, the bazillion times people have asked "What are you doing here?" on Doctor Who over the years.

Fringe is back tonight! \o/ Interview with the amazing Anna Torv, and the producers answer fan questions.

OMG doesn't Anna Torv have the most glorious smile ever?! It makes me think of ~sunshine and rainbows~.

werk it Torv & Toye.

undercovers, being human, fringe

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