(no subject)

Nov 02, 2010 14:09

Ohhhhhh yeaaaaaaahhhh! Walked to my polling place with my mum, trying to stick to the shade because it's hot today. One of the workers at my polling place always pathetically attempts to flirt with me, and today was no exception. I was the 529th voter in my precinct! And some lady was raising her voice in frustration because they didn't have her listed as registered even though she's been voting there for 10 years and received a sample ballot in the mail. :-\ She probably should have brought her sample ballot with her as evidence. I always bring mine with me because it's easier to show it to the sign-in people rather than reciting my name (as well as spelling it out) and address out loud, and it's marked with all my choices. There's no way I could remember all those Court of Appeals judges. Apparently some polling places around the country also have baked goods for sale? I've never seen hide nor hair of any baked goods where I vote. :-( At least I got a sticker. ;-P

More Hobbit casting news!

Thank you San Francisco Giants for wrapping up the World Series so quickly because that means Fringe comes back this Thursday! Here's a sneak peek at this week's all new episode!

TV Guide talks to the ladies of NCIS, Pauley Perrette & Cote de Pablo.

No new NCISs or Glee tonight because of the election, but I'm a few Castles and half a Terriers behind, so this will give me a chance to catch up.


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