(no subject)

Oct 22, 2010 14:11

The title of this post is so right:  THE TOM HARDY & CHRIS PINE PHOTOS WE'VE BEEN WAITING FOR! Finally, some pics of them on-set together!

Justified recurring character casting news!

Interview with Sesame Street's head writer about the Muppets' viral success.

Samantha was totally awesome on Undercovers this week. Hoyt also seemed very happy to be doing spy stuff with Steven. He looked especially giddy while attending the synopsium thing near the end. The only thing that bothered me about the episode was my failure to suspend belief at the fact that four obvious foreigners were sitting together at a cafe across from a police station having a leisurely dinner without an escort IN NORTH KOREA and no one seemed to notice. Oh, and Steven's scientist get-up was a mistake on the part of the costumer because his jacket did not read well on-screen. They should know patterns like that are a big no-no for TV.


It seems like every week I'm saying: IT JUST GOT REAL. I don't know if any other show I'm watching delivers this consistently every week.

Poor Jeremy. No one wants him around. I shouldn't laugh, but I can't help it. He keeps trying to invite himself into the boarding house, but Damon kept trying to close the door on him, until he proved he had enough information to be useful. Even Alaric, who lets himself right into the boarding house like he lives there, questions Jeremy's presence and whether he has his permission slip to participate (who else LOLed at the faces Damon made at Alaric? Such BFFLs :-D) Elena tells Jeremy, "There is no Damon & you!" And Stefan incredulously asks Damon, "Why would you involve Jeremy?!" ::Stefan smacks Damon on the shoulder:: It's okay, Jeremy, at least Tyler likes you.

LOL you thought I was dead (all dead, not just mostly dead) but here I be! I laughed so hard at Mason's "oh crap I thought I had you killed!" expression.

Oh, Mason. Blinded by love. My mom perfectly predicted that Mason was going to say he loved Katherine and that Damon was going to respond that he was stupid. :-D Tyler is going to be very unhappy if/when he finds out Damon killed his uncle, though.

Random thought: I love Elena's bedsheets!

My favorite thing this week was the Elena-Bonnie-Caroline. Individually, Elena is annoyed at being left out of the loop by Stefan, Bonnie helped Damon (yay! we need more Damon-Bonnie, PTB!), and the scenes with Caroline and her mom just broke my heart. Even though she ended up compelling Liz to forget to protect the others, at least Caroline knows that her mom loved her, accepted her, and was proud of the young woman/vampire she had become.

And for all that she didn't want to see Caroline because she's a vampire and witches seem to be instinctually mistrustful of them, when confronted with Caroline's doe eyes and offer to help, Bonnie couldn't possibly say no. She's still your Caroline, Bonnie!

Then Elena-Bonnie-Caroline banded together to save Stefan and retrieve the moonstone! AND IT WAS AWESOME. Nice quick thinking, Elena!

Then Damon stupidly provokes Katherine, against Stefan's advisement, which only encourages Katherine to escalate things, first by having compelling Jenna to stab herself then compelling Matt to push Tyler into killing him thus triggering the curse. I will be SOOOO UNHAPPY if Matt dies. I mean, I want Tyler to become a werewolf and to join Team Salvatore-Gilbert-Bennett-Saltzman-Forbes, but I'd rather he killed a bad guy to trigger the curse rather than someone we know and love! I think Caroline needs to counter-compel Matt to stop.

Uh-oh, here comes the ugly cry!

Even Damon doesn't want Stefan & Elena to break up. His dreams of a threesome are shattered!

(all gifs snagged from ONTD, from people who snagged them from Tumblr, probably)

And next week, it really REALLY gets real. A clip of the TVD gang in "Masquerade!"

chris pine, vampire diaries, undercovers

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