Call for Submissions: Healing Waves Charity Anthology for Japan

Apr 02, 2011 23:00

Well, as usual, when I say I'm not going to do something, something shows up and proves me wrong.  Basically, even though I lost my entire mind and started a publishing company, I figured there was no way in hell I was going to do anthologies.

Well, hell happens.  And it happened to the Japanese people.

To this end, I'm looking for material for an ebook anthology that will be titled Healing Waves -- a play on Harbor Waves, which is a tsunami. The work should have some kind of Japanese slant to it and may be fiction, nonfiction, poetry, artwork or photos.  No porn or erotica. Reprints are fine.

Check the forums above for the anthology guidelines.  And while you're at it, join up and we'll have yet another place to chat.

japan, charity, sky warrior books, healing waves, tsunami, charity anthology, anthology

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