Hi there!

Feb 06, 2010 15:07

It is official: I am unemployed. Yesterday was my last day of packing up the store. While a significant part of me is scared stiff at that fact, an even larger part of me is celebrating it. Why? Because this is the first time since I moved out here that I can say I'm writing full time. Well, I can't really say that yet, but that is the plan. I've been reading Elizabeth Bear's livejournal for a while now, and I am immensely jealous of her work ethic. So that has become my goal.

On that note, I'll be (ideally) updating a lot more often than I have been, only not here. I'll still keep this journal and I'll switch over to it every so often, depending on what I'm posting about. But for the most part, I want to use what has until now been my writing lj, hg_retrograde. As I start to seriously submit things (and hopefully see them published!), that is the account I'll be using for everything public. All the old entries there, I've either deleted or made visible only to me. Those of you who aren't already friended on that account soon will be--I'll be checking that account's flist more often than this.

In other news, we're taking a trip home soon. The plane leaves in 17 days. My oldest niece has been calling me almost daily now. I love being the cool aunt! ^_^ But it's scary to realize she'll be starting high school this fall. Strangely, this doesn't make me feel old. Then again, I was 10 when she was born...

So wish us luck! We'll see how things go.
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