Jan 14, 2006 22:38
I read the mostinteresting thing in someone's journal today. I have heard it before -- here it is: religion was invented by the devil. It is a tool of satan. It was a brilliant idea (and Lucifer wa supposed to be brilliant, right?). Can you think of a better way to get good people to do the work of the devil?? Just tell them GOD wants them to do it and they will! Let's see, we had the Crusades, then the Spanish Inquisition. There's the was in Northern Ireland between Portestants and Catholics. We've got bombing of abortion clinics, Septebemr 11th, and the destruction of Iraq. That's only the stuff I know about. Yea, relgion sure has caused a bunch of death and destruction in the world, all through time. Might be something to this "tool of the Devil" stuff.