Dear f-list,
So, you know when life gives you a real good punch and swipes you clean off your feet? Yeah, that's been the past few years. They've been a mix of sad, happy, and goddamn awful. I also suck and can understand if anyone wants to give me a good punch of their own. I've been absent from the internet for a hell of a long time - and I only just recently guessed my password for this journal right.
A few months ago I created a new lj, though, and if anyone wants to add me there, just look for
100paperfans - though I'm not really that active right now. Just graduated, so this summer I should be spamming it.
I still owe three people commissions and they will get them, it will just take some time. I apologize to anyone who thought I dropped off the face of the world although I wish I had sometimes.
From a fail friend,