thedarememe ^--- Because you know you want to dare me to do something.
So~ I'm free until fall, finally, at last, thank god! Except for work, but work I can deal with it. It pays instead of vice versa, with me paying to go there. Commissions are still slow works in progress - but with more time on my hands, I hope to at least get one out soooooon! My apologies to anyone who hasn't received a reply from me lately via comments and whatnot. I-I kind of just deleted all the messages in my inbox recently. It was hitting the 300+ mark and it was scaring me O_o
Fangirl squee time nao? Yes, plz.
Bleach -102
sjlkdjf ... I think a keyboard smash is about all my brain can formulate at this time, kthxbai.
Reborn! 192
Can. Not. Wait. Until. Next. Chapter. XDDDD
... I wish I had more energy to fangirl better.