From the same (unfortunately incorrect, it seems) rumor mill that brought you the Benedict-Cumberbatch-as-the-Master rumors, the next thing seems to be a
possible casting of Lara Pulver (who, of course, played Irene Adler on Sherlock) as The Doctor.
While I will take this with a grain of salt, I’m just saying that casting either of those two persons in either of those two roles would absolutely guarantee that I watched the series obsessively. And I haven’t really been able to get into it before.
But surely it’s well past time for a female Doctor-not just a damn companion-and especially if she’s played by an actress whom I already trust and love!
Note: Tagging with “genderswap” because I think it covers the same category of flipping traditionally male roles into female ones. But now I’m thinking that might be a little misleading or even patronizing. Because The Doctor is canonically an alien who regenerates into different forms. Why the hell shouldn’t one of those forms be female?
Reading comments that say The Doctor wouldn’t be The Doctor if he were female just makes me angry. Because-why? Why must some fans persist in the belief that switching a character’s gender would so intrinsically change him/her as to make him/her unrecognizable? I absolutely do not believe that.
Um. Edit for more ranting:
So I read
this article about the possible casting, and in that was a line that I took exception to and ranted about, figured I might as well post it here to. Yay, ranting.
The line: ...for reasons of sanity, we’re firmly on the “Doctor should be male” side of the argument...
My response: What a curious statement, and I'm really not sure what is meant by it. Whose sanity? I can assure you one male Doctor after another is not doing wonders for mine.
Why should the Doctor, who canonically regenerates into different forms, not once in twelve times take the body of a woman (or, though this argument is not about this, a person of color)? What an eye-opening experience it would be for the character (and for us)! What a chance for differing dynamics between the characters. (A female Doctor's relationship with River Song comes to mind...)
Why should major actresses on this show be constantly relegated to the traditionally female roles of being companions and love interests? Of course being a male would certainly help the Doctor in most time periods, but wouldn't he relish the challenge of becoming female?
I, for one, have been not particularly interested in the recent Doctors, but I would be absolutely guaranteed to watch if the Doctor were a woman.