(no subject)

Aug 23, 2008 12:47

So...it's being discussed that we might trade in the old Saturn (and I mean old, 15-year-old stationwagon) for a Vue. And, I mean, looking at the specs...I guess it's all right. But I'd want the hybrid version. :\ I would much rather want to drive something that gets 25/32 mpg than...what the regular Vue gets. Like, I am NOT KEEN on anything that will potentially get less than 20mpg.

I think I got tricked into agreeing to this, tho. XD; We discovered the past few days that the old Saturn is rusting it's ass off, so there's that. And dad says to me during lunch, "So, when we're out driving, do you want to stick with the Saturn, or would you rather try something bigger?" We have an Explorer and a Blazer, both rather large (I'm told the Vue is totally smaller). And I'm all *shrug* Well whatever I'm learning the Saturn but I wouldn't mind trying something else. And then mum and dad start talking to each other about some conversation they'd had this morning and I hear the words trade and SUV and I go WAIT WHAT WHAT AM I MISSING DON'T YOU MEAN LIKE THE EXPLORER OR SOMETHING? ARE WE SAYING I DRIVE ONE OF THE OTHER CARS, OR AM I ABOUT TO DRIVE A NEW CAR? BECAUSE I AM NOT KEEN ON THE WORD SUV KTHNX. And dad explained what they'd been talking about. Without actually answering my question as to whether I was roped into this or not. I'd much rather have a Sky kthnx. SHALLOW? ME? WHY, YES. *brick'd*

BTW, context for vampire zombies from the other post. :P

Man, late last night was FUN TIMES. I love sixwordstories, I really do~ And then chilling with someone in Econtra, and then doing a sort of Billy-Penny RP via IM, and finally posting at batman_lulz thanks to sakebi and some links she shared with me, aaaaand I don't know what I'll do now. Maybe some Fire Emblem. I've been doing all right in it.


rping, cars, context, movies, driving

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