Holiday Card Exchange 2015

Nov 30, 2015 17:18

i don't know if anyone will really be available for this on my Friend's list this year but would anyone like to exchange holidays cards this year? Even if you aren't on my FL you can sign up if you'd like!

I can't afford to give gifts with the cards this time but I can offer pokemon cards! You can see the duplicates I have available here:

Just mention what ones you are interested in if you want any with your card. If you want to send me any in return- I always like Poochyena/Mightyena cards or just ones that I don't have. I don't really have much of any cards from the newest TCG set Breakthrough for example.

Here's my wish-list (although there are other cards i'd like too!):

Here's a list of almost all the pokemon I like if that helps also:

If you want to just exchange cards with no extras thats fine too though! Just comment here if interested,i'll PM you my address. ^^

If you can't afford to send a card back and are on my Friend's List I can maybe send a card anyway,let me know if you are interested. However if I haven't interacted with you before i'd like to keep it to exchanges,sorry.

Signed Up:
jehoshabeath SENT
jen81489 SENT

pokemon, holidays

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