Happy Thanksgiving week!

Nov 22, 2015 20:31

I don't post much on my personal journal anymore but I do check LJ everyday for the communities and those on my friend's list. I thought i'd make a post tonight though.

Not much is going on but I thought i'd wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving week,for those who celebrate it. If you don't,well hope you have a nice week anyways. ^^  I've started seeing people put trees up in their windows for the holidays so I gave in and started decorating my room a little as well.

Not totally done but after Thanksgiving weekend I probably will be. Speaking of holidays I would like to do the annual card exchange again this year,for anyone who would be interested. I'll make a post about that at the end of the month most likely.

In collection related news I just need to make enough money to buy the sleeping mudkip kuttari plushie and i'll have each available version of the kuttari plushies in sleeping form. =D I've never had a complete set of plushies before but I really like these guys and they don't take up much space. Eventually i'd like to have the awake versions of the eeveeloutions as well as pikachu and raichu but that's probably a long way off.

I only buy collection things from funds I get via selling things so that effects how much I buy but i'm happy i've been able to get as much as I have in spite of that. :3 I don't have a picture of all of them yet but when the last two I am expecting in the mail arrive i'll probably share.

pokemon, collecting, plushies, holidays

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