(no subject)

Mar 04, 2012 10:50

So i'm officially no longer friends with the person mentioned in my previous journal, they just blamed things on me when I told them how I felt. To the point in which it doesn't even make sense.  I have decided not to remove them/block them from my yahoo messenger list and give them the ability to talk to me again if they ever wish to apologize, but I will never approach them on my own anymore. Really sucks to loose a friend I've known for almost six years, but I get no benefit anymore...

Brian is really stressed lately, yesterday he told me that he was "sick of everything" but he wouldn't explain what that meant, he said he didn't want to talk about that. He told me "Please don't start this" when I tried to find out more. I asked him if this includes me too and he said no, so that's a little revealing but still really worried about him. I wish I could help him more.

Many of my online friends and rl friends are still rather "meh" except for a few, so I'm really depressed. It doesn't help that my grandfather's condition is still no better. Sleep is the only thing that gives me any relief these past couple of days, I don't want to go out anywhere because I'm too unhappy....

On a lighter note, I did get one new picture of Kura recently:

Its not entirely accurate but its still cute. c:

feelings, friends, brian, life, art, kura

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