Title: Welcome to the Family Fandom: The Avengers (film) Pairing: Phil/Clint, Ororo/Kurt Rating: PG Summary: Ororo's coming home for a visit, and she's bringing a boy. A/N: Just a fluffy little thing inspired by
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Title: none Fandom: Torchwood Pairing: Jack/OFC Summary: Based on the prompt 'Jack reminisces about an old lover' from stardustandsand. A/N: No spoilers. 194 words. I'm needing some distraction from my current project, so stardustandsand gave me some flashfic prompts. If you'd like to throw a few more into the pot, let me know.
Title: Much too Soft Fandom: Firefly Pairing: imagined Mal/Inara Rating: PG13 Summary: But she isn’t the one on his mind at these moments, so there’s no shame in it, either.