Feb 23, 2012 12:03
Wed, 12:12 : At some point, the cute puppy pictures will backfire and I'll start crying because I can't save all the critters. Didn't think this through. Wed, 12:50 : RT @ MikeDrucker : The choice between Romney & Santorum is the choice between a William Gibson apocalypse and a Margaret Atwood apocalypse. Wed, 14:52 : Can I go home and go to bed? Please? Wed, 15:03 : Have I told y'all about how my dad hated 'Happy Feet'? -Fox News Declares The Lorax Is Indoctrinating Your Children http://t.co/u2Fl0eKo Wed, 15:36 : Guy just asked if my Monarch button was for some kind of group or organization. #goteamventure Wed, 15:52 : Fuck a-b-a-b rhyme schemes, y'all. Seriously. Wed, 16:41 : I should not be left on the internet unsupervised, especially not on facebook. I'm just saying. Wed, 16:52 : This last hour of work is going to just crawl by, isn't it? Wed, 17:38 : Wired, exhausted, and sniffly. Bad combination. Wed, 22:09 : Photo: racebentdisney: Oh my gods, could she be more gorgeous? http://t.co/H3hz3MmI Wed, 22:55 : blog: http://t.co/QpyAqm1f Wed, 22:59 : a) ice cream b) taxes. c) ice cream and taxes. d) bed. Opinion, twitter? Thu, 10:31 : So I'm... going to church on Sunday? By choice, even. Not sure how I feel about this. Thu, 11:03 : Dear Radical Conservatives, Don't like the Girl Scouts? Fine. Don't support them. More cookies for the rest of us. <3 -jxw Thu, 11:20 : @ littlestgeek That's really all I ask. People can be as crazy as they like, so long as they don't make their crazy my problem. Thu, 11:59 : Hyperbole and a Half makes everything better. It's true. I have evidence.