Heartbroken film student needs reaffirmation about her beliefs, Bruce Willis delivers, by tearing Michael Bay--the shining beacon of all Hollywood's evils and her sworn enemy--a new one:
"Bruce Willis Pwns Michael Bay, is My Hero
"Apparently, Bruce Willis has been speaking out over on AICN about the new Die Hard Movie. I'll spare you the details of him defending the PG-13 rating, because the really interesting part is what he had to say when someone asked him about the possibility of Michael Bay doing a Die Hard film:
'I would rather eat a live baby in front of my grandma than have Michael Bay direct a DIE HARD movie. I would rather go hunting with Dick Cheney than let that car engine in a human skin leave his satanic fingerprints on John McClane. In fact, this new PG-13 thing is the only part of ruining modern action movies that Michael Bay is not personally responsible for. The rest of it is all him. Don’t even fucking say those words in the same sentence, you’re only gonna give them ideas for part 5. It’s like saying Candyman in front of a mirror, that motherfucker will show up and snort John McClane’s soul right in front of you and then piss it out on your shoes,” wrote Willis. “Would have ruined DH4. Few people will work with him now, and I know I will never work with him again.'..."
i watch stuff]
He goes on to bitch about Hollywood producers (esp. the ones who were in charge of
Perfect Stranger), but it's a good read if you're into this stuff. It means that not everyone is blind to Michael Bay's suckage, that I'm not taking crazy pills and that maybe there's hope after all.
Also, remember how a while back I was totally all "Fuck Hollywood! Burn it down!" and
shit happened yesterday where 800+ acres burned in a tragic wildfire. Just so we're clear, no, I did not take sweet, sweet vigilante justice into my hands and try and clease the system myself--totally not my bad. I simply prayed, and Jesus made it so.