Hear the pipers [fic]

Oct 06, 2009 16:37

Title: Hear the pipers
Author: shadowbyrd
Recipient: wandersfound
Rating: PG-13
Genre and/or Pairing: Hints of Dean/Castiel
Spoilers: For the whole of series four
Warnings: None
Word Count: 2388
Prompt: Something offhand that Dean does (maybe during a hunt) causes Castiel to smile (the first time Dean's seen him do so, maybe the first time at all he's done so), and so Dean tries a bunch of different things to try to get Cas to smile again (I'm looking for at least some of these things to *not* be sexual, especially if the one that actually works is non-sexual).
Summary: Castiel is having some difficulties adjusting to life apart from heaven. Despite his best efforts, Dean doesn’t make it any easier.

While hunting was traditionally a family thing for the Winchesters, Dean had always liked to go it alone every now and then, where there was no Dad to reprimand or criticize him, no Sammy to watch out for. Just him, a sawn-off shotgun loaded with rock salt and a few ghouls who really hadn’t taken the hint.

dean/castiel, supernatural, supernatural fic, fic

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