Title: Sex
Fandom: Grey's Anatomy
Pairing: George/Alex
Rating: NC-17
Prompt: #14 - Sex, from
1sentence Alpha theme set
Word Count: 100
Disclaimer: Suffice to say, they do not belong to me. I'll send them back unharmed when I'm done. Pinky promise.
Notes: Drabble from a sentence prompt. It's all
ice_whisper's fault. No, really, it is...
Until now, it had just been sex. Very good, very enjoyable, sex... But this, this was so much more. This time, it wasn’t fast, needy, oh-my-god-I-need-you-now sex. They were wrapped around each other; not knowing where one ended and the other began.
George’s legs rested over too sharp hips. Alex’s face was buried in the crook of his neck, whispering words that made him tremble and burn with desire as he felt Alex enter him.
There was no dominance, no duelling for possession.
Each owned the other.
They wouldn’t say that it was making love.
But it was damn close.