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lemmings_ November 17 2008, 13:39:11 UTC
I don't read the fandom wank before episodes but I have read it since. Everyone has conflicting opinions. Some people loved the episode, some hated it. Some loved Sam and Ruby, other's hated it, some felt sick, others thought it furthered the plot... it was all over the joint. Kind of like when Sam slept with Maddison and half fandom was "HELLLLLLLO OOC SAM??!!! WTF?" and the other half were "I LOVE MADDISON AND I WILL PUNCH YOU IF YOU DON'T!" so the biggest wank was probably Ruby/Sam, which most people guessed from the first ep anyway, it was more the visualisation.

Other wank was probably about the way Dean accepted Sam sleeping with Ruby, his appology, the fact that nothing about Ruby getting in the dead girls body makes sense... all that sort of bizzo. Also, general angels wank about their origins and why they wanna smite Anna and have not smacked Ruby for 6.

I liked Jess yes. And I mean, I have no idea what appropriate times for grieving are or anything, but some of stuff they pushed on us early just seemed really cheap.

Thank you GOD there is someone else in the world. Seriously, I have to run with the idea that Sam was gonna grieve for ages based on his situation, the fact he was going to MARRY Jess and the fact that he didn't seem to have gotten over things yet. Some of it was so super cheap it was crazy. I have squared with the Sarah stuff. That shat me to tears first, because I really felt it was far far too soon, but at least he never gave her a commitment and he never went back and it was more about realising that Jess would want him to be happy. As far as friggin MADDISON goes. Oh my God I hated it and I still do. She was out of nowhere, seemed nothing like Sam's type, Sam never remotely seemed over Jess and now all of a sudden he has a major thing for this girl, enough to sleep with her which isn't Sammy's style, AND enough to get seriously cut up about it. Ummm. No. You don't get over that shit that fast. Sorry.

I did not see that spark apparently. LOL

Lol. Fair enough. I saw it when she first met him. The way he's started treating girls is quite different. I liked it. It was the same feeling I got with Nancy in Jus In Bello, except in this case he has known Anna even less time. I just think that if there IS something, it can't have developed so quickly. I know Dean doesn't wait before sleeping with a chick, but Anna didn't come off as one to jump in. And sex on SPN is supposed to be some big and meaningful deal. Maybe it'll turn out she's a virgin and they are going to waste her, so he decides to sleep with her. I actually think it'll have something to do with what Kripke said about Dean having a secret and I think someone mentioned that Anna may have a secret, so maybe they bond...


shadow_walker3 November 17 2008, 14:31:10 UTC
Yeah, I don't get that. 'Cause they freaking told us. LOL If people were in denial, then it's sort of their own fault. Because whether or not I agree with the sex or think they're OOC or not, I mean, Jared's hot - it's no chore to watch him have sex. *whipmers* Jensen either.

Other wank was probably about the way Dean accepted Sam sleeping with Ruby, his appology, the fact that nothing about Ruby getting in the dead girls body makes sense... all that sort of bizzo. Also, general angels wank about their origins and why they wanna smite Anna and have not smacked Ruby for 6.

I guess...what choice does Dean have? It's not like he can say - hey dude, that was bad - you shouldn't have done while I was in the furnace rotting and you were unhinged......I don't think it's really a matter of Dean's approval. Ha - I didn't even have the usual issues I do with believability!

Right, right. And just because Sam's SAM, it seemed like he'd be the type to pine FOREVER over Jess. Ugh - I think the problem is that none of the girls they choose to sleep with are LIKABLE. LIKE AT ALL. It's impossible to NOT hate them. Madison was just...I didn't buy it at all - I didn't see the connection - I didn't see anything. In fact - besides the whole like last 2 minutes, I thought the episode sucked. And the only thing we really learned was Sam was a biter and kinda kinky in bed. LOL Which we totally saw again with Ruby - boy's got it under da hood. :P

Lol. Fair enough. I saw it when she first met him.

*snerk* - I think that was more 'the Dean' part. HEHEHEHEHE :P

The way he's started treating girls is quite different. I liked it.

...when do you see this? Because I don't. I mean, we went from first season and second season, where I can't really remember him sleeping with anyone besides Cassie and flirting with lots of people to actually being a total slut when he was gonna die and I don't see that really as different now - he totally jumped in the sack with the blonde bimbo from Monster Movie with like...nothing there. I guess I don't see a difference.

Oh lord - the whole Nancy thing was just LAME. And yes, that's my problem - it's like screwing a monster of the week - there's no basis for it. There's no believability other than it's a sack jump, which half the time just doesn't fit the characters. At least with Ruby, there was a pre-established relationship. I think Kripke & Co. WANTED everyone to believe that Dean has "ruined" her, but promos don't usually showcase anything that's actually happening - I gotta think it's something else.


lemmings_ November 18 2008, 03:08:02 UTC
See I couldn't watch it for the sexy at all. I knew this was coming and when it happened I seriously wanted to hurl or cry. Because to me it was so desperate and so close to rape I just couldn't deal. Forget that she's a demon for 2 secs, she fully manipulates a grieving, broken and drunk man into sleeping with her, which was totally always her angle, and she did it USING his brother's name and death. God I wanted to hit her.

Yeah, what could Dean say? I think he's not going mental because he's got to let Sam stop hiding this stuff, if he went crazy Sam wouldn't tell him anything. But I still cannot buy that Dean ISN'T pissed about it, because he's always been so vocally opposed to Ruby, even in this episode. All of a sudden he shuts up? But also, I am pretty sure Dean knew and was waiting for Sam to tell him to know for sure.

In fact - besides the whole like last 2 minutes, I thought the episode sucked.

Oh my god do not get me started. I really hated that episode. URGH. The Werewolves were hopeless, the full moon lasted 4 nights, maddison was in NO WAY connected to Sam. The final 2 mins was the most amazing thing I have seen on the show though, well possibly. Both the boys were amazing. That single tear. wow.

The part about Dean changing. It's a subtle change, but he treated Jamie with a little more respect than he would have before he headed to hell. It's kind of like in earlier episodes of the early seasons when he'd occassionally look at a girl with such wonder in his eyes, like she was a gift from God. And he lost that when he found out he was going to hell. But the way he kissed and looked at Jamie was different. And hopefully this will continue. He got a similar look on his face when addressing Anna. A little less cocky.

Ruined her?

Also, be grateful, I heard the other day that Gamble had actually pushed for a sex scene in What is and what should never be... and frankly that would have ruined the beauty of the episode I thought. I am glad Kripke stepped in and said no. The girls haven't been likable or had chemistry. In fact, the girls the boys HAVEN'T slept with have had more chemistry. Like Layla and Sarah and the mum Amy Acker played in Dead in the Water... etc.


lemmings_ November 18 2008, 03:12:15 UTC
Oh also. Biting... kinky. oh yes. Sam is a fiesty boy. DAMN.


shadow_walker3 November 18 2008, 04:06:16 UTC
HEH Word.


shadow_walker3 November 18 2008, 04:06:02 UTC
LOL yes, it was sort of a...dubious con - but he credits her with saving him, so I guess I have to take it at that - and perhaps that's why Dean's not upset - he can't say that Sam couldn't do what he needed to in order to survive.

Oh Lord, I know - I had SO many issues with that episode.

I guess I don't see Dean as different yet. We'll see.

I KNOW. NO CHEMISTRY. There was more chemistry between freaking MAX and the boys than some of the chicks.


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