Firstly, and most importantly, Sixty Watt Silver (aka Golden Light Bulb) is getting together for a reunion tour, starting on Friday--only, they are no longer SWS. Briefly, they were called Sleight of Hand (aka Hocus Pocus) but that’s been nixed too. It lacks that certain…something, I guess, and they need the Perfect Name, before the show on Friday.
It’s up to you guys to save them from an eternity of being known as Hearts On A Sleeve.
Therefore, it’s time to play Name That Emo Band! Seriously, I will submit decent suggestions to my brother and Brad. Hit me with your best shot.
I was snowed in with my brother and my parents since last Wednesday (the longest I’ve spent in their combined company in three years) without my laptop and sometimes without cell reception.
We’ll start with the pros of being in this situation:
5) A forced break from life.
4) Catching up on all those episodes of 30 Minute Meals I’ve missed.
3) Making up new and exciting games. Like, Cheerio and Dixie Cup basketball and the Bass Player Character game. This one requires a someone with a savant-like knowledge of basses and/or guitars and approximately six hours of doing nothing but watching music videos.
(For example, I give my brother a random bassist [Matt Wachter] and he tells me that person’s life story [it’s the Volvo of basses, very utilitarian, like himself] based simply on the kind of bass they use.)
Me: Mikey Way.
Roo: Well, the bass in the video with the blimp? Very cool. Like, too cool. Expensive and retro.
Me. I think he usually plays a Fender J or something.
Roo. ohsoemo.
Me: Johnny Christ.
Roo: Actually, the same kind of bass that Flea played (a Musicman) for a long time. And I don’t know where to go with that.
2) Not having to get dressed for, like, three days straight.
1) Going to the climbing gym. OMG I HAVE 17 TORN MUSCLES IN MY SHOULDERS ALONE. Okay. Here’s the thing: while my car was immobilized, my brother’s truck could get around a little, and the one place he wanted to go? Climbing. So, I gave it a try. We didn’t use harnesses or anything; it was very Zen.
The cons?
5) Sleeping on my mom’s couch.
4) Eating my mom’s food for a week, bless her. (OMG WITH THE FUCKING CHICKEN)
3) Long stretches of time spent in mildly hostile staring contests with my dad.
2) Running out of clothes and having to wear my brother’s girlfriend’s vintage Grateful Dead concert t-shirts.
1) The listing Christmas tree, the endless questions about my life, the constant sniping at each other, the false smiles, watching boxing, the dog, the non-sequitors and the bitterness.
I’m home now, though. I doubt I’ll slog through all of my flist, but I try to hit the highlights, maybe?
I forgot to mention that I went to Christmas Eve service with my mom--the candlelight kind. And y’know? If I’m going to have hot candle wax voluntarily dripped on me? I’d rather it not be in a church.
But hey! How about New Years?
New Years, without fail, sucks. I always cry. Always.
I have never, though, spent it in a mortuary.
See, I lost the battle with Kim over SoDo Vs. the Underground (which, in its finer days, was a mortuary), even with the $20 cover.
Let me paint this picture for you. This club is, in fact, underground. And not only that, but it’s several levels of zany, subterranean fun that includes a pub, restaurant, and club. The dance floor itself is the old crematorium which, at first glance, looks like Babylon, with the iron catwalks that cross over the top of it. However, the floor itself it all stone-y and fucking FREEZING cold, and you can still see the oven arches in the walls.
After two beers, two gin and tonics, one lemon drop and enough free champagne to float away in, the evening became bearable.
I don’t really have anything to say about Darrent Williams,
who was shot and killed after Kenyon Martin’s birthday party. It’s usually interesting when my sports fandoms collide, but this? Man. The Nuggets are just an ugly, bloody team right now.
I really liked him as a football player. It’s a hell of a way to start the New Year.
As for resolutions? I'm still working on those.