And bade him alone/ My slumber to break/ Who in no land /Knew how to fear

Mar 29, 2005 02:16

Have you all ever read any of the Icelandic Sagas? I didn't think you had. ;) It's okay, it's just that I was re-reading some of them since links to the online versions were right there next to the links to "The Song of Roland" and various versions of the morte d'Arthur.

Anyway, they're all rings and swords and wizards and wolves and valkyries too, and reading them made me feel all warm and fuzzy. :)

From "Oddrun's Lament"

"Hard and dreadful
Was the vengeance she drew down,
So that all we
Have woe enow.
Through all lands of the world
Shall that story fare forth
How she did her to death
For the death of Sigurd.

"But therewithal Gunnar
The gold-scatterer
Did I fall to loving
And should have loved him.
Rings of red gold
Would they give to Atli,
Would give to my brother
Things goodly and great.

"Yea, fifteen steads
Would they give for me,
And the load of Grani
To have as a gift;
But then spake Atli,
That such was his will,
Never gift to take
From the sons of Giuki.

"But we in nowise
Might love withstand,
And mine head must I lay
On my love, the ring-breaker;
And many there were
Among my kin,
Who said that they
Had seen us together.

I'm the only one who likes it, aren't I? Oh well. You all should tell me about a literary classic that you love.

Obviously, I spent most of the day writing my lecture on the High Middle Ages. That would be the chivalry part, of course.

I also attempted to make a start on sodiumlight's birthday fic but a headache stopped me pretty cold. Maybe all the things I want to get into this fic will sort thmeselves out while I sleep. We'll see.

Aaaaand - I'm pimping the community writing_sex here. We ALL need more comms, I'm sure, but this one could prove to be useful both in your writing and personal life. :p Check it out.

Last thing: What are your biggest fandom pet peeves? Hit me with'em.

fandom, slash discussion, lectures

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