this is hard for me to say, but i just want you to be happy. i think you should prove to him that you aren't going to up and leave him. i don't exactly know how, but ur a smart kid, you'll figure something out. i think you should try to solve this dilema on your own. be the boy who doesn't ask others what to do. i think thats a good quality to have. remember, as awkward as it may be, i'm here for you if you ever need advise or even just to talk. utilize my offer, even if it's a last resort.
on another note, i am really glad that we're talking again. ya know, we were both so immature. i also want to appologize for any pain i caused you. we should hang out SOON before you go to college. i'm thinking maybe a party. i dunno, i gotta try to work things out with that. i'm not even gonna try to make it a surprise party. they really don't tend to surprise you considering you always find out. lmao :p there's so much i wanna tell you. god, so much has happened since we last spoke. alrighty B... i'll talk to u later.
on another note, i am really glad that we're talking again. ya know, we were both so immature. i also want to appologize for any pain i caused you. we should hang out SOON before you go to college. i'm thinking maybe a party. i dunno, i gotta try to work things out with that. i'm not even gonna try to make it a surprise party. they really don't tend to surprise you considering you always find out. lmao :p there's so much i wanna tell you. god, so much has happened since we last spoke. alrighty B... i'll talk to u later.
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