ごめんね ~Nah~ Nah~Nah~ 愛じゃない

Jun 28, 2009 11:21


Hahahaha, I can't stop laughing at the english parts to that song except for the last part where Yamada goes "Kiss me baby!". Now that is priceless xD His face was like, <(^O^)>!!!!!! I'm sure you all like the song too~ This is a great way to start a Sunday! ^^

Anyways, more ranting. You can skip if you want =p

I'm going to be having a BBQ at my house this upcoming Saturday which is July 4th! I'm half way done with summer school too! It is suppose to be my little brother's birthday party since his birthday is on July 8th. I bought him Final Fantasy Crisis Core for his birthday since he is such a Final Fantasy junkie xD *manju pats his little brother* But good thing he has absolutely no idea that I bought it because he thinks that I forgot his birthday =p (like the typical me since I truthfully barely remember his birthday ^^")

So yeah, it will be a fun week that is for sure! Also, the new CD pre-orders... I want the Limited B jacket!!!!!!! >_< But... after buying my little brother's gift, I feel like I shouldn't because I basically would've just used up my last paycheck (since it was what... raining for the most part at the beginning of the week). I got like $51... I used up $21 today and the NYC CD LE costs about $19.51.... I don't know if I should. It is my money that I know, but... T_T And it is a good price too for all that stuff! DVD, 3 songs, photoshoots.... = OMG I WANT IT NAOOOOO!!!!!!

*manju cries in the corner* This is exactly me last time when I bought MnSB lol I bought that one but ended up having to be lectured by my mom about buying online and crap like that...

*manju glares at his mom* >_> IT IS MY MONEY!!!! But I know I should save it up... Maybe I'll buy it in Japan when I go in the winter =p (that is if swine flu doesn't kill my trip because my mom is just a paranoid parent...) But that is another story for another time if it happens xD

Also, today is spongykittens last day in the US before she goes to Japan for a few weeks! I want to formally say good-bye tonight! SO DON'T GET OFFLINE UNTIL I DO!!!! >_<

*manju huggles* That is all for now~ Hopefully I didn't miss anything. Also, be sure to watch this weekend's SK livestage~ It was a great one! ^^


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