Jul 16, 2009 18:55
So! Apparently I've been right all these years and have proved that exercise is, in fact, hazardous to your health. Damn shame because I was acctually enjoying it. Not saying I'm going to stop....just be a little more careful about what I do and how I do it.
Since Monday, possibly before then, the inside part of my ankles have been swelling to a very noticible point and have been quite tender. I tried some home remedies to no avail. Went to one of the chiropractors that I work for and asked him to take a look at it and see what he thought.
I have Posterior Tibialis Tendonitis!!
Which is a nice fancy way of saying that the muscle that connects behind my inside ankle bone is all angry and mad.
How does one get Posterior Tibialis Tendonitis?
Apparently my feet are starting to go flat from the whole standing all day thing and I'm doing too many side lunges too enthusiastically.
How does one get rid of Posterior Tibialis Tendonitis?
My chiropractor boss's exact words: "Uh....stop doing the side lunges and buy new shoes." My boss perscribed me a trip to the shoe store. So! I'm off to the local Dick's Sporting goods to get a pair of $100+ shoes with good support and shock absorbtion and arch support inserts.
And no more side lunges. Which sucks becaus I really like doing side lunges.