Mar 08, 2007 12:36
My father has been tentatively diagnosed with renal cancer, and had his left kidney and spleen removed on Tuesday afternoon. I've been in Michigan since Monday night, and I expect I'll be here for a while yet.
I'm not going to go into all the rants and sobs and surprises and unexpected joys of this week, but I am going to ask for all the positive energy, thoughts, and prayers y'all can muster for my dad. It's been a tough week on him, but he's doing as well as can be expected.
I know that at least a few of y'all that read this also read the basement, so you're a little more in the know than the rest of the world minus Emily, but I know that a lot of you guys had no idea what was going on. If I had made a promise to you about something that would get done this week, I'm sorry because it just isn't happening.
For the time being, anyone that needs me is best to call my cell phone, but I have terrible signal in the hospital and usually have it turned off. I'm trying to return calls as quick as I can, but I am behind. It's nothing personal if I don't get you back right away - I'm just running out of hours in the day right now.