A very delayed pottery report...

Feb 28, 2007 13:46

Class #4 included a raku firing.

Here's another angle.  The saki bottle and cup will probably get fired next week.

The pictures don't really do the ashtray justice.  I got a great amount of copper on the top, and lots of beautiful red-to-blue shifting on the bottom.

After finishing that firing, I glazed some of the bisqued stoneware.

This is Ronnie's bowl.  It shall be olive green inside, with white on the bottom of the outside.  This is high-fire food safe stuff, so it will be fired in a gas reduction kiln to cone 10.

This is the bowl I burnished.  The angle on the first one is terrible, but it's going to be white, drizzled with a color called "Angel Eyes Blue".  It's a deep, almost black blue that doesn't run a lot on it's own.  Again, high fire food safe, gas reduction to cone 10.

After finishing that up, I decided to go BIG (for me, anyway) in the raku clay.  This was born:

It should be bisqued next week, and then I'll probably hold off on firing it in the raku kiln for about a month.  Next week is supposed to be the week that everything has been bisqued and glazed so that it can be fired in the gas kiln for those that aren't doing the second session - Karen and I are the only ones coming back, I think.  There's a 2 week break while Joanna and everyone goes to NSECA, but then there's another 6 week session.

Seth, my former instructor, has been accepted into 2 NSECA shows, one for teapot and plate sets, and one for wood firing.  Go Seth!

Hopefully I'll be able to glaze the platter and the star bowl next week...
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