it's a saturday during the day and i decided im going to tell you all a few things about myself.

Mar 12, 2005 14:49

1. i truely completely believe that fortune cookies are all truths.
2. i rarely wear any shoes other than ballet slippers.
3. i refer to everything as "my jam"
4. if you drive drunk we are not friends.
5. pooping is definitly top 5 favorite passtimes and i will gladly have an in depth conversation with you on this topic.
6. i am the oldest of 6 and those kids are everything to me.
7. i can only eat one item on my plate at a time until it's gone-no mixing.
8. i am a little boy forever.
9. if you play in the snow with me, we are friends for life.
10. i have an aweful habit of singing this josh groban song "vincent" whenever i see a stary sky.
11. i have an aweful habit of singing.
12. i wish MASH really predicted our futures.
13. the bigger the sunglasses the more awesomer they are.
14. i could probly own you in a booty dancing contest. no joke.
15. if any of you stinky boys hurts one of my girlfriends i promise you will never have babies.
16. super mario on super nintendo is my favorite video game of all time.
17. donkey kong for super nintendo is my second and i would own you in that too
18. i am a straight up bitch, fer rills, but you learn to love it.
19. i have weekly marathons at the chinese buffet with ally and ashley where we stay until they kick us out.
20. i don't pinky promise without biting it.
21. i jerk off way to much, cross my heart.
22. i am a queen of crunk, bitch bitch. if you dont know what that is from you should probly get educated on the crunk juice.

i sincerely hope this satisfied your need to know useless information about me and that it made your day. love love. peace to the world for lyfe.
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