Of Vaccums & RP. Mostly.

Apr 24, 2011 08:40

So if you ever get the urge to vacuum your laptop? Don't. Or be really, really careful. I spent at least an hour last night digging through the dust/dirt/hair in our vacuum (because obviously it's never been emptied recently when you need  to retrieve something) searching for keys... and the little parts that hold them on. I think there is dust permanently lodged in my lungs.

In other news, I have a sound related post written that I meant to post, like, almost two weeks ago... which feels irrelevant now. Also, akisswithafist  is awesome and sent me virtual headphones like last week, and I am also delayed in saying THANK YOU <3 in her direction! I have kind of just failed at LJ lately. And just at things in general, if they take more attention-span than, like, 0.5 seconds.

Except for the part where I seem to have developed a minor ... addiction to sixwordstories.  (I blame akisswithafist and dealga for this!)

...Which makes sense because you really don't need much attention span for it, and because IJ has been suffering so much downtime lately that I've had nothing to dooooo... So far I've made three RP accounts, and thrown two of them in that direction already... my girl!Dean, and my Michael (who... is different from what I usually play him as, because apparently he decided to splinter into multiple versions in my head, which is exactly what I needed, obviously), and... the third is nuttySam, so I am waiting until I have some kind of info/backstory written and posted for reference, because otherwise I fear I would just hopelessly confuse everyone when I took a Sam and started writing paranoid delusional morbid blather with him, y'know?

Anyway. At some point soon:
  • I want to post some kind of music meme again. I will be looking for one! Expect that.
  • My sound-related post, probably, maybe.
  • I will finish these damn mixes and get them posted, or die trying. Especially the Michael one. I swear I've re-organized that one at least 34654634634 times already. It's becoming ridiculous.

erin vs. technology, meme addiction, rp pwns your face, fanmixery~, what is this i cannot even, the end is nigh

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