Jan 29, 2005 12:21
Sorry it's been awhile--I've been so busy. So, last night I had something I can only think to describe as a minor panic attack. It was so scared I couldn't even think, couldn't get my heart rate down, couldn't do anything. I know I was stressed out by all the homework i have to do this weekend, but it's all stuff that I know I'm capable of doing. Anyway, I ended up taking a nap and then going to onething. Onething is the nightly worship and prayer gathering that I've been going to every night. It helped me sooooo much--I'm feeling really good right now, though time is going faster than I would like.
God's been doing some amazing things in my life--I think I'm changing for the better, slowly but surely. I've been wanting to write about what God's been doing with me, but I've found I can't seem to find the words. As Tolkien says: "Now it is a strange thing, but things that are good to have and days that are good to spend are soon told about, and not much to listen to; while things that are uncomfortable, palpitating, and even gruesome, may make a good tale, and take a deal of telling anyway."
BTW, the Fellowship is resting in Lothlorien, and Elijah Wood's birthday was yesterday! HAPPY FLAMING DUCKLING DAY, chicas!!! :-D
Today I'm going to apply to study in London in the fall--PRAY!!!!! Money is stil a big issue, and I have so many things to decide right now.
I don't pretend this is good poetry--it's the kind where I just write down phrases. But I'll share it with you anyways. It looks retarded cuz it's meant to be centered, oh well.
God, I’m overwhelmed by big questions
That I’m supposed to know the answers to
I want to think with Your mind
Let me climb up into Your lap
Catch all my tears on Your smoky jacket
Let all my blows fall soft upon Your strength
Until I find rest in Your breathing
Being calmed back into innocence
Then I want to try putting on your spectacles
And maybe I’ll see things the way You do
Can I be a child again tonight?