Nov 26, 2011 13:41
:brushes away dust:
Not dead, just doing better at short blurbs on twitter or facebook or g+, and honestly this is pushing the limits of my ability to be social, especially as offline I've been very busy, and very social.
Short version: new job, got married, went on honeymoon, a few holidays, totaled car, bought new car...I feel like I'm forgetting stuff, but that should be the major highlights of the past few months. Also, new job involves spending all day playing with Photoshop (full-time job that actually requires my art degree! Yay!) but the end result is that I don't want to spend much time in front of a computer at other times.
Anyways, I'm in the middle of scanning sections of one of my sketchbooks and it occurred to me that I've been consistently keeping one for almost a decade. Which would explain why I have half a shelf of the things, and I'm a little terrified to imagine the reaction of a future historian or archaeologist who might discover them. At least there's a skill progression, otherwise I might have to burn the earliest ones.