Agent of SHIELD? (RP for oracle_bop)

Nov 29, 2007 23:43

This happens after Jean gets back from Paris and meets with Colossus, but before she goes BACK to Paris and to Amsterdam with Bruce

Jean hadn't been looking forward to this, but she knew that dealing with SHIELD would be a necessary evil in establishing a new X-men team. Not collaborating with SHIELD. She'd made that pretty clear in her last ( Read more... )

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oracle_bop November 30 2007, 05:15:18 UTC
When Barbara had agreed to work for SHIELD, she had said that she had wanted full access to the SHIELD databases. However, she hadn't realized that this would mean she would have to spend lots of time on the helicarrier. Most of the work she had been doing was simple data analysis, with an emphasis on the groups that tended to have some influence in Gotham.

Of course, Tony Stark was not above sending her cases or other things just to remind her that he could. Which is why she probably should have expected Stark to have sent her to deal with people he didn't want to see. He had mentioned before leaving for vacation that he might send her some interesting interviews, but he hadn't bothered to give her any details.

When the redhead came into her office, it took her a moment to recognize her. Nice, Stark she thought quietly. I'll get you for this later.

"Ms. Grey," she said calmly. "My rank has nothing to do with it. I assume you're the case that Director Stark had mentioned to me. What is it from SHIELD that you need?"

Really, there was no need to antagonize a telepath if she didn't have to. Maybe she could get out of this with her identity and the secrets she knew intact.


shadeof_grey December 2 2007, 01:00:05 UTC
"I'm your case?" Jean repeated, her eyes narrowing. "Look, Miss Agent Made-Up Name. . . I'm the leader of the X-Men. Do you even know anything about the X-men?"


oracle_bop December 7 2007, 05:48:07 UTC
"Assigned to me by Director Stark, yes," Barbara confirmed. "And really, I thought you'd be familiar with the concept of a code name, considering that you've gone by both Phoenix and Marvel Girl. As for your history," Barbara paused and thought for a moment, glad that she had read up on the X-Men earlier in the week. A photographic memory did come in handy.

"The X-Men. Founded by Professor Charles Xavier. The original team consisted of you, Beast, Angel, Iceman and Cyclops." She continued to list off some of the more notable missions that the X-Men had gone on and then added "And you recently threatened most of the world at the Disney summit."


shadeof_grey December 10 2007, 02:36:21 UTC
"Threatened?" Jean repeated, then gave a little laugh. "I've said this before. When I make a threat you'll know it. Where's Tony?"


oracle_bop December 12 2007, 06:32:14 UTC
Barbara smiled at her. "You must realize that the way you said it made it appear to be a threat," she answered. "You are the head of X-Corp," she pointed out. "That gives you some experience with public relations. As for Director Stark," she added, "he's in Madripoor. On vacation. You'll be dealing with me."


shadeof_grey December 13 2007, 04:21:49 UTC
"Right," Jean said. "I see." At least Oracle was giving out the same story that Jean had gotten from the carrier's intake personnel. That didn't mean it was true, but they respected her enough to keep their lies straight.

"So. Oracle." Jean looked around the office, which was well- equipped but not exactly spacious. "What exactly did Tony leave you in charge of? And where'd he --" She put emphasis on the next words "-- pick you up?"


oracle_bop December 15 2007, 01:06:14 UTC
Barbara had heard quite a lot about Jean Grey, and she knew that the woman could be rather difficult. That appeared to be a bit of an understatement.

"My official role is an analyst," Barbara informed her. It hadn't been exactly what she was promised, but it gave her access to the databases, and it kept Checkmate out of her hair. It was good enough.

"Mostly, I monitor the state of some of the missing rogues, usually the Gotham based ones." She wasn't quite sure why she was bothering to explain this to the woman, but she continued to anyway. She smirked. "And I contacted him, but I'm sure that you aren't going to believe me anyway."


shadeof_grey December 16 2007, 15:44:18 UTC
Jean blinked. "You just called up Tony Stark and said 'I want a job' and he gave you one?" Either this girl was something special, or she really had come via the casting couch. Based on her defiant air, though, Jean had a hunch not.

"What's your power?" she asked, that being the best alternative explanation she could think of. "And how come I've never heard of you?"


oracle_bop December 19 2007, 03:19:59 UTC
"I'm simply that good, Ms. Grey," Barbara informed her rather smugly. "Well, after I was done convincing him that I wasn't an exotic dancer," she added.

Barbara laughed. "Computers," she answered. "Although it isn't what I'd call a power, more along the lines of just being the best at what I do. And you haven't heard of me because I don't want to be found. I usually work best when people think I'm just a rumor."


shadeof_grey January 9 2008, 01:06:20 UTC
"The best at what you do," Jean repeated. "I have a friend you'd probably get along with."

Not that she had any intention of introducing Oracle to Wolverine, except. . .suddenly she had an impulse.

"How much does SHIELD pay you, if I may be so bold?" Government work. It couldn't be that much.


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