Wanda the Teenage (?) Witch (RP for daughter_of_m)

Nov 08, 2007 22:25

OOC: Happens after this.

After her conversation with Scott, Jean was ready to take a little breather. Alone, she walked through the hall of the mansion, running her hand along the wood-paneling of the wall. She was a little surprised by how easily Scott had taken to the suggestion that she was ready to move back in, and rejoin the team and the school. Maybe he had gotten all the arguing out of the system, long distance, while she was on her trip. Or maybe he realizes how useful it would be to have me around. Well, maybe that was it. Maybe they'd spend the rest of their lives trying to figure out how to be useful to each other while keeping an awkward, respectful distance. It was a horrible way to feel about somebody she used to be desperately in love with, but, hell, it was probably a best case scenario.

And when did I get to be such a cynic? she thought, absently touching her hand along the wood of the library door. Then she stopped short. Someone was inside, just on the other side of the door. The psychic energy felt strange, fractured, and it seemed to reach out to her. And not just to me, she realized. Something about this presence was stirring up the burning energy inside her, and so she remembered something she had seen Rachel do. "Behave yourself, Phoenix," she said, out loud, almost laughing at how silly it sounded; like Kitty, talking to her dragon. But it seemed to work, the heat settling down in her mind, and she continued, "This isn't about you. It's about whoever is in there trying to have a conversation with you."

Her first thought had been of Emma, but that wasn't right, and it wasn't even fair. As far as she could tell, Emma wanted nothing to do with the Phoenix, might even be afraid of it. The mind she felt now belonged to a little girl who liked to play with fire.

Jean turned to the door, used her mind to unlock the door and hurl it open.

Putting her hands on her hips, Jean stepped into the library. "Well, welll, Wanda Maximoff," she said. "What do you think? Is this house big enough for both of us?"

phoenix, wanda, rp

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