Marvel Girls, Back in Paris (OOC, link to RP)

Apr 22, 2007 16:43

So the Summers-Grey women (Rachel and Jean) and their cosmic-divinity alter egos (Mama Phoenix and Baby Phoenix) had a bit of a confab at the X-Corp offices in Paris. You can read the RP here, or just know the salient details:

During House-of-TM, Jean discovered that she is currently "alive" because Phoenix and Wanda Maximoff conspired to resurrect her. After a round of world-changing madness, Phoenix left Wanda and came back to Jean as her host. Meanwhile, Rachel continues to struggle with her own Phoenix power. Jean initially thought that she could take the power from Rachel -- as she did from Wanda -- but Phoenix doesn't want to leave, and Rachel doesn't want to let it go. As the Phoenixes were arguing about this, one of them revealed that Jean's "real" body was left on the moon. So --

What's next for Jean and Rachel? They're going to take a trip to the moon -- where all the best Summers-family drama occurs. Rachel thinks they are going to fix the imbalance in the Phoenix force and come back to Earth in one piece. Jean thinks she's going to sacrifice herself -- the way she should have done long ago -- and give all of the Phoenix Force back to Rachel.

So: over the next week, Rachel and Jean will be preparing for their trip. Jean's "preparation" is going to consist of wrapping up her worldly affairs -- without, for the most part, letting anyone know this is what she has in mind. She wants to prepare X-Corp so that Alex and Lorna can take it over, and say good-bye to all of her friends, without letting them know (for the most part) that she thinks it is good bye.

[For the record, I'm NOT killing Jean. I'm really not. Marvel does that enough. But she doesn't know that yet.]

And that's about all I can think of -- I'll put up a post a little later for people to contact her in Paris. Let the emo begin!
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