Checking messages . .(RP for erikscordelia & tm_rogue)

Apr 13, 2007 15:30

Jean takes the time on the flight back to Paris to check her messages.

She hasn't really been gone that long. It seems like a long time, but she's really only been out of communication with X-Corp for a couple days, and so it seems excessive when she checks her voicemail to find 17 messages, in various degrees of comprehensibility, from Lorna Dane.

Jean sighs. She isn't sorry that she offered Lorna a place at X-Corp -- the woman really is very capable, when she puts her mind to something, and having one of Magneto's children on their side undoes some of the potential damage from having his girlfriend.

Except, apparently, they don't have his girlfriend, as Jean's email includes a terse letter of resignation from Rogue.

Oh, hell.

Jean decides to handle the most critical first, and sends an email to Rogue.

Anna --

What the hell is happening? Talk to me!


She doesn't know if it will work, and she can get the details from Ray if she needs to, but this is definitely a matter of concern.

The next part will be. . .well, she's not really sure. Honestly, Jean has always thought of Lorna Dane as a sort of exasperating younger sister. This doesn't really have to do with Lorna's on-and-off relationship with Alex Summers. Jean never thought of Alex as her brother, really, even when she and Scott were married. But there's something about Lorna, the second woman to join the X-team as a regular member, who fills Jean with the same combination of protectiveness and frustration that -- she assumes -- she would feel toward a younger sister.

She really has no idea what Lorna is so distraught about, and so she braces herself for anything as she dials the number.
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